zero zero restaurants
020 74357753
255 Finchley Road, London, NW3 6LU
[email protected]
Book a table +44 77 890 43210
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We are a culinary experience inspired by traditional Italian home cooking. A welcoming and joyful place, reminiscent of quality time spent by the fire with family back in Italy. Our name takes inspiration from the ingredient upon which the Mediterranean food culture was built: Flour. Double zero flour, also known as doppio zero or 00 flour, is a finely ground Italian flour commonly used to make pasta and pizza dough. It also embodies the two key concepts central to our ethos:
Zero Waste and Zero Alcohol



Our values inspire us and inform the way we conduct our business and the way we expect our people to behave.


The pleasure that comes from being with others. The convivial meal is one in which you compare yourself, savoring tastes and foods which have a history and a symbolic meaning linked to the local traditions and rituals of the society to which they belong.


Intended as cultural heritage, the set of riches, material and non-material values that belong, by inheritance, to a community or even to a single individual. A term that has its roots in a vast literature within which it often takes on the meaning of commonwealth, public good, collective inheritance, generational transmission.


Harmonic state of health, of physical and psychic forces. Condition of general prosperity. It characterizes the quality of life of every single person. Its nature is of dynamic origin. In this case, we refer to the emotional, mental, physical, social, and spiritual state of well-being that allows people to achieve this balance.


Free and confident abandonment to the rhythm of impulses and sensations that life offers. Being carefree in a positive sense, that is, free from gloomy thoughts or worries.


Intense and pleasant emotion that is felt when an aim is achieved or a desire finds fulfillment. It usually manifests itself in the external appearance of the person, sometimes with spontaneous and liberating acts and behaviors.


The complex of memories, news, and testimonies transmitted from one generation to another. In our case has to be meant as a reference within gastronomy, meaning the relationship between culture and food.

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